Best Travel Strollers: Comparison and Ratings



When it comes to traveling with a baby or toddler, having a reliable and compact stroller can make all the difference. Whether you’re planning a family vacation or just a day trip, having a travel stroller that is lightweight, easy to fold, and maneuverable can greatly enhance your travel experience. In this article, we will be discussing the best travel strollers currently available on the market, comparing their features, and providing ratings to help you make an informed decision.

1. Baby Jogger City Tour 2

The Baby Jogger City Tour 2 is a popular choice among parents who travel frequently. It weighs only 14 pounds and folds down to a compact size, making it easy to carry and store. It also features a one-hand fold and an auto-lock, which adds to its convenience. The stroller has a multi-position reclining seat and a UV 50+ canopy to protect your child from the sun. With its sturdy build and maneuverability, it is a great option for both urban and outdoor adventures.

2. UPPAbaby Minu

The UPPAbaby Minu is another excellent travel stroller that offers convenience and comfort. Weighing just under 15 pounds, this stroller is lightweight and easy to carry. It has a one-hand fold mechanism and a shoulder strap for easy transportation. The Minu features a multi-position reclining seat, an extendable canopy with UV protection, and a large storage basket. It also has a smooth and responsive maneuverability, making it perfect for navigating crowded streets and airports.

3. GB Pockit+

If you’re looking for the ultimate compact travel stroller, the GB Pockit+ is a top contender. This stroller holds the Guinness World Record for being the most compact stroller when folded. It weighs just 9.5 pounds and can fit into a backpack or carry-on luggage. Despite its small size, it still offers a comfortable seat, a large sun canopy, and a storage basket. The Pockit+ is ideal for parents who want a stroller that can easily fit into tight spaces like overhead compartments or small car trunks.

Comparison and Ratings

Now let’s compare these three travel strollers based on key factors:

  • Weight: Baby Jogger City Tour 2: 14 pounds, UPPAbaby Minu: 15 pounds, GB Pockit+: 9.5 pounds
  • Folding Mechanism: Baby Jogger City Tour 2: One-hand fold with auto-lock, UPPAbaby Minu: One-hand fold with shoulder strap, GB Pockit+: Compact fold
  • Comfort Features: Baby Jogger City Tour 2: Multi-position reclining seat, UV 50+ canopy, UPPAbaby Minu: Multi-position reclining seat, extendable canopy with UV protection, GB Pockit+: Comfortable seat, large sun canopy
  • Maneuverability: Baby Jogger City Tour 2: Sturdy and maneuverable, UPPAbaby Minu: Smooth and responsive, GB Pockit+: Easy to maneuver
  • Portability: Baby Jogger City Tour 2: Compact size, UPPAbaby Minu: Lightweight and easy to carry, GB Pockit+: Guinness World Record for most compact stroller when folded

Based on these factors, we have rated the strollers as follows:

  • Baby Jogger City Tour 2: 4.5 out of 5 stars
  • UPPAbaby Minu: 4 out of 5 stars
  • GB Pockit+: 4.5 out of 5 stars


Choosing the right travel stroller can greatly enhance your travel experience with your little one. The Baby Jogger City Tour 2, UPPAbaby Minu, and GB Pockit+ are all excellent options that offer different features to suit your needs. Whether you prioritize weight, convenience, or compactness, there is a travel stroller out there that will meet your requirements. We hope this comparison and rating guide has helped you make an informed decision and enjoy your travels with ease!


  • James Harrison

    My travel blog chronicles my adventures across various terrains, where I immerse myself in local cultures, savour cuisines, and form bonds with natives, offering vivid narratives and invaluable tips to fellow wanderers. My passion for exploration and the stories I share inspire others to venture beyond their comfort zones and discover the world's boundless beauty.

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Tags: baby gear, travel essentials, travel strollers

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